
DIY Underwater Seadragon System to Talk to Dolphins ~$5,000

You can build such a system with off-the-shelf equipment today.

The Seadragon software will work on this system. The basic system is made of two nodes or devices. The basic system can be used to form an underwater network broadcasting with audio signals between multiple people and dolphins, using version 1.1 of the software. A basic system unit can function without the Internet and when an Internet connection is available, it can
then be part of an Internet-based peer-to-peer network.

You build it yourself. We don't sell it.

Basic Unit - Two nodes per snorkeler: a Human Interface Node in hand and a Cetacean Interface Node on the snorkeler's back.

The two nodes communicate by TCP/IP over wireless (e.g., WiMedia) USB, such as Wisair UWB USB host dongle (http://www.wisair.com/products/reference-designs/uwb-host-dongle/).
The Wasair device requires Windows.

Human Interface Node:

Handheld that fits in Aquapac bag and satisfies these other requirements:

  • OS: Windows (or Solaris or Linux or MacOSX, with compatible wireless USB dongle)

  • Java SE 5 (free)

  • Seadragon 1.1 (free)

  • USB2 port with Wisair UWB USB host dongle or equivalent (must work with Java SE 5; must fit in Aquapac bag with handheld)

  • Screen with keyboard (like OQO's) that works in Aquapac bag underwater (under pressure); or touchscreen that works in Aquapac bagunderwater (under pressure).

  • Battery (included)

Aquapac bag (or equivalent) ~$100.00

Wisair UWB USB host dongle (or equivalent) ( $ tbd )

Candidate handheld model for Human Backbone Node:

  • www.oqo.com - the "+" model ($1,900); must be tested underwater in Aquapac bag to check ergonomics.

Cetacean Interface Node:

Requirements for Processing Unit:

  • Sufficiently portable to be carried on body of snorkeler

  • OS: Windows (or Solaris or Linux or MacOSX, with compatible wireless USB dongle)

  • Java SE 5 (free)

  • Seadragon 1.1 (free)

  • USB2 port for Wisair UWB USB host dongle (or equivalent)

  • Minimal sound configuration: audio headphone jack (RCA); audio microphone jack (RCA); 2 hydrophones with male RCA connector.

  • If Unix, then no screen and no keyboard, use remote terminal client application (e.g., cygwin, x-terminal) on Human backbone device orother device not used underwater;

    if Windows, then screen and keyboard are removed or folded before container is closed.

Other Equipment for the Cetacean Interface Node:

  • Battery (included if laptop)

  • Wisair UWB USB host dongle (or equivalent)

  • Waterproof rigid container with straps to affix on snorkeler's body (e.g., on back); also with sealed hole(s) for two hydrophone cables, and with internal attachments to affix processing unit and battery.

  • Straps to hold hydrophones and cables on snorkeler's body in appropriate positions.

Candidates for Processing Unit:

  • JBox + battery: TODO verify fit with requirements, e.g., Wisair UWB USB host dongle

  • Apple Mac Mini + battery: TODO verify fit with requirements, e.g., Wisair UWB USB host dongle

  • Laptop (battery included):

    • Panasonic Toughbook T4 or W4

    • Many other models possible

  • Car computer + battery: TODO verify fit with requirements, e.g., Wisair UWB USB host dongle http://www.mp3car.com/store/index.php?cPath=35
